7 Tips For Setting Up a Twitter Account For Your Business or Brand

Posted by on Aug 11, 2011 | 9 comments

7 Tips For Setting Up a Twitter Account For Your Business or Brand

There are so many people getting their news, information and recommendations via social media that if you own a brand or business it would be in your best interest to be present and get your message out.  We know that majority of the brands and business employ agencies or community managers to handle their social media efforts/campaigns.  But what if you want to start it on your own? They say that there are secrets you need to unlock but in our opinion and experience creating an account and maintaining it is simple.  One really just needs to plan ahead and we put together a checklist here that we hope will help.

We have been wanting to  start a series of social media posts to be a guide list for managing social media accounts. And to start we have put together a video that talks about some pointers for setting up your Twitter account for business or brand and how you can manage it efficiently.

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The 8 Ways To Build Relationships On Twitter

Posted by on Aug 9, 2011 | 25 comments

The 8 Ways To Build Relationships On Twitter

There are still so many people joining Twitter everyday. Even though many people seem to be migrating to other social networking platforms like Google plus, many still want to maintain and be active on Twitter.  The biggest reason we see is that people have already built their friendships and networks on Twitter.

Twitter is fun and we both love being active on the site.  If not for Twitter we would not have even met.  What is cool about Twitter is that fact that you can have someone to talk with 24/7.  From designers, to engineers, celebrities, teachers, bloggers, writers there is a large variety of people to interact with and engage.  But it wasn’t really so much fun when we both were starting out.  We both laugh now at the experiences we had back then but wanted to share with our readers what made it worthwhile for us in the long run.  The best way to enjoy Twitter is when you build good relationships with your followers and those you follow.

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PodJamTV Answers Social Network Personality, Twitter Tool, Scheduling Tweets Questions

Posted by on Aug 4, 2011 | 8 comments

PodJamTV Answers Social Network Personality, Twitter Tool, Scheduling Tweets Questions

We asked the community to jam with us on our post Ask PodJamTv and we are thrilled to get responses and questions that was sent over to us via our , also on and via email.  We are answering 3 of the first ones we got and plan to answer more on upcoming posts.  We wanted to limit the number of questions to answer from 1 to 3 per posts depending on the complexity of the answer, just to make sure that we are covering the topics the best way we can.

The questions ranged from our Social Network personality, a Twitter tool for easy cleaning of your Twitter account and also touched on the scheduling of Tweets that we both enjoyed answering.  Thank you Steve Woods , Sunil Jain and Rachelc888 for participating.

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10 Simple Ways To Find Inspiration For Your Blog Posts

Posted by on Aug 2, 2011 | 11 comments

10 Simple Ways To Find Inspiration For Your Blog Posts

Writing is fun, but let us face it, there are days when you just can’t seem to find the inspiration to write even the simplest blog post.  Writer’s block happens to everyone. The cause may vary too. You are pressed for time and with so much happening in your life, concentrating becomes difficult.  But no matter what the cause maybe, there are so many ways to overcome writer’s block.

It gets overwhelming sometimes as we both have full time jobs but that does not stop us.  Having fun is always at the top of our list and second to that is inspiring each other to be the best we can be.  The beauty of being in a partnership here at PodJamTV is that we get the chance to encourage each other and in our own personal way, inspire each other to sit down and write our posts and create video content.  We love to inspire others too, so we hope the things we practice can help you at times when you need inspiration for your blog posts.

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7 Essential Ingredients For A Successful Collaborative Blog

Posted by on Jul 28, 2011 | 6 comments

7 Essential Ingredients For A Successful Collaborative Blog

Blogging is so much fun. We both have been blogging for more than 3 years now and it has become a way of life for us.  Blogging just opens up a lot of opportunities to get our ideas, thoughts and with the hope of inspiring other people to be the best at what they like doing too.  Setting up a blog is easy.  It is the maintaining part that is more challenging.

There are so many different types of blogs that you can set up.  You have the informative and entertainment types of sites, a company blog, a a photography blog, a multi-media type of site, a personal/journal type of blog and of course there is the collaborative blog.  A collaborative blog is a type of blog where you have more than one author contributing content and maintaining the site.  We  believe this type of blog can be tricky to set up considering the different minds and persoality that will be involved in the day to day operation of the site.

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Check Out How You Can Jam With PodJamTV

Posted by on Jul 26, 2011 | 3 comments

Check Out How You Can Jam With PodJamTV

Since the very purpose of creating PodJAmTV is to be able to have a venue for our readers to express their thoughts and opinions, we are launching a new segment.   We call the segment “ASK PodJamTV”.  We want you to ask us a question or make a suggestion on what you want to see featured on here at PodJamTV.   The question can be anything on social media, technology, photography and even questions you want to ask us personally.

We will pick 1 to 3 questions to answer.  We will include your questions in a blog post along with our answers.  At the start we are looking at doing this once or twice a month depending on the number of questions we will receive.

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Our 7 Favorite iPhone Photography Apps For Your Enjoyment

Posted by on Jul 21, 2011 | 19 comments

Our 7 Favorite iPhone Photography Apps For Your Enjoyment

One thing we both love to do is take photos and share them online.  We both believe that taking pictures is a great way to capture any moment.  Like a time capsule that you can just go back to and relive the memories.  We make it a point to take photos whenever we are together or just take them and share with each other.

The advantage of our partnership is that one is an eager student  while one is a seasoned photographer .  Since we both are on the go most of the time, our iPhone still remains the best tool to use when we take photographs of the things that catch our attention.

People like to use apps that can enhance and make an image come alive and in one of our conversations we agreed that we would love to share our favorite photography apps to our readers here at PodJamTV.  We hope that you try them out.

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