How To Be A Good Twitter Friend

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How To Be A Good Twitter Friend

Twitter is an awesome social media platform. Relationships and networks are formed because of the interactions that happen everyday. For us, we see so much value in being active online because we could not have had the chance to meet people from all over the world nor learn about different cultures.

If you are on Twitter everyday, we are sure that you have formed connections and friendships just like we have. You not only share helpful tips and information, but also share everyday life activities. We feel this makes the experience more enjoyable.

If you are new on Twitter and asking how you can get the most out of your Twitter experience and get maximum engagement, here are some tips and tools we hope can make Twitter more fun for you too.

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10 Simple Ways To Improve Engagement On Social Media

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10 Simple Ways To Improve Engagement On Social Media

Some people think that there is a secret to being successful on social media. Being busy with work, family, relationships one may ask: how can I be successful if I don’t have the time to be active on my favorite social media sites?

We both love interacting and sharing on social media and we value the relationships and the friendships we have cultivated over the years. Are we any more special than the rest? Do we have more time than the rest of the world? Our answer is a resounding NO. One key in being successful on social media is engagement. Here are 10 simple principles we follow to improve social engagement whether it be on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Path, your blog et cetera.

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7 Signs of a Twitter-holic: Are You Addicted Yet?

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7 Signs of a Twitter-holic: Are You Addicted Yet?

We both love Twitter for so many reasons. The main reason is that we learn and share with people who we would never have had the chance to meet if not for the social networking platform. Among all the social networking sites, Twitter is very special to us. We met, connected and now have a special bond that would not have been possible if we were not as active as we are on Twitter. But our love story is not the main topic for today’s post. Maybe in the near future we will be sharing our experience with you.

In the beginning of our Twitter journey, things were a lot different. We did not have tools to help schedule tweets, nor were there people who were as active as us.  We were always asked why we tweet so much hence the branding “Twitter-holic.”  Have you just recently joined Twitter? Are you wondering if you can be considered a Twitterholic?  Here are some signs that may help enlighten you:

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Google Plus: 7 Reasons Why You Should Give It A Try

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Google Plus: 7 Reasons Why You Should Give It A Try

We are both active on social media.  We enjoy the interaction and the sharing.  One social networking platform that we have been learning to use is Google Plus. We were one of the lucky few who got to test it in its early stages and we are still learning our way around it and having fun in the process.

Google Plus maybe viewed by some as another time waster, specially if you are already updating your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Empire Avenue, Flickr and blogs.  Today, Google plus has over 43 million users (source) compared to Facebook’s over 700 million users and Twitter’s over 250 million users (source) but is steadily growing. People think it’s a Facebook and Twitter killer, but we beg to disagree.  We feel that the individual platforms have their own unique selling proposition.

One of the aims of is to share our experience on the many social networks out there and in the video below we share our seven reasons you should give Google Plus a try.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed producing it together.

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Which Type of Blog Is The Right One For You

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Which Type of Blog Is The Right One For You

Starting a blog is fun and yet challenging. This generates a lot of discussions, late night meetings and, more often than not, sleepless nights. Getting off to a good start is what all new bloggers should aim for. Planning is critical as this will determine the ultimate success of your site. There are several questions you need to answer when creating your blog. What theme do I use? What will be the tone and feel of my blog? What name do I choose? Before you can answer those questions, you will need to ask yourself which type of blog is right for you.

We both have been blogging for over three years now. We have worked on several types of blogs and we hope to share with you the different types so you can see which one may fit your needs and make your blogging journey satisfying and more fun.

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Be Present on Twitter and Be Productive Too

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Be Present on Twitter and Be Productive Too

Twitter can be very addictive. Those of you who have been tweeting for years can attest to this.  The main reason for this phenomenon is that time zones do not exist on Twitter.  You can have conversations and you will see people tweeting 24/7.

We know that the best way for one to have a presence on Twitter is to be on the site 24/7 but we all know that is not possible. The next best thing to do is find ways to manage time effectively. After all, we do need to work and sleep too. We have Twitter followers from all over the world and the best way for us to share information to all our followers is by scheduling some of our tweets.  One huge turn off that we were told is when one bombards their followers with too many tweets at one time.

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