Which Type of Blog Is The Right One For You

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Which Type of Blog Is The Right One For You
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Starting a blog is fun and yet challenging. This generates a lot of discussions, late night meetings and, more often than not, sleepless nights. Getting off to a good start is what all new bloggers should aim for. Planning is critical as this will determine the ultimate success of your site. There are several questions you need to answer when creating your blog. What theme do I use? What will be the tone and feel of my blog? What name do I choose? Before you can answer those questions, you will need to ask yourself which type of blog is right for you.

We both have been blogging for over three years now. We have worked on several types of blogs and we hope to share with you the different types so you can see which one may fit your needs and make your blogging journey satisfying and more fun.

1.Personal blog – This is also known as a journal type of blog. The topic is more personal. Most people like doing this type of blog because it revolves around their personal experiences. It’s also a great way to express oneself, a creative release. The topic for this type of blog can revolve around hobbies, arts, crafts or cooking to name a few. What’s important here is that one needs to include their personal take on any subject matter.

2.Video blog – Is also known as Vlogging. This form of blogging uses video as a medium to express the bloggers ideas. One will need to have a bit of knowledge in producing either a simple video or a complex edited piece with motion graphics type of presentation. The beauty of this type of blog is that it involves all auditory and visual senses. If one is creative, the idea can be presented in a very interesting way.

3.Photo blog – This type of blog is appealing to people who like to take pictures and chronicle them in a blog format. For more experienced photographers, adding how to’s and hacks enable them to share their experiences to a wide audience and teach new photographers tips and tricks.

4.Travel blog – This type of blog is perfect for people who love to travel and chronicle their journey. Aside from sharing photos of their travels, most bloggers will share the best places to visit, the hot spots, where to eat etc. Your readers may also share their travels experiences and adventures as a way to add to the discussion.

Image scenery from Connecticut

5.Lifestyle blog – This form of blog can be compared to a “how to” or a “hack on life” blog. Nowadays, most people are quite busy and because of our fast paced life, most are looking for ways they can improve their quality of life. A great number of people now look at bloggers’ recommendations before they try out any fitness or wellness programs. Lifestyle topics range from wellness, fitness, general health, hobbies or sports to name a few.

6.Fashion and style blog – Aside from feeling good, most people also want to look great and looking great involves fashion and style. Writing a fashion blog involves sharing the latest trends in fashion, hairstyles, jewelry etc. Give the best recommendation in terms of what is hot and what is not. One really needs to be aware of what is popular as well as emerging trends. It will also be helpful if you are one who travels and really immerse yourself in the fashion world to be recognized as a though leader.

7.Review blog – As we mentioned earlier, most consumers nowadays don’t buy products they know little about and often seek the recommendations of people who have tried the said product or service. Word of mouth is a consideration when buying most high end luxury and tech related products. Review blogs usually include product pros and cons, ratings etc.

8.Collaborative blog – A collaborative blog is a blog that has two or more authors. A good example would be PodJam.tv and Bitrebels.com. The beauty of doing a collaborative blog is that you have multiple content creators. Be mindful though that since there are more authors, the managing editor must be able to plan and create a system that will allow smooth work flow among all the authors and contributors. Make sure that there is no duplicate content and the scheduling of posts is carefully managed. A bi-monthly meeting is important to keep everyone in the loop. What is important here is that you like and support everyone on the team and will work here to ensure the success of your blog and the entire team in the long run.

There you go, eight types of blogs you can choose from. It is important to determine which one you want to create so that you can properly plan the design, look and tone and determine the platform to use. This will most definitely save you time and minimize hassles. Once you nail down which type of blog is right for you, you will also find it much easier to create content and get into a creative flow.


Image Credit: Marty McPadden

About the authors:

Marty McPadden founder and host of PodJamTv is a professional photographer, videographer, blogger, apple geek and a Production Supervisor at ESPN one of the largest sports network in the world. His vast knowledge in the above mentioned field will allow you our readers to tap into tools, apps, reviews and tips that he has learned and mastered over the years. How to’s and hacks that will allow you to have a richer online experience.

Misty Belardo co host and co writer of PodJamTv is an experienced blogger, designer and a self proclaimed Twitter-holic and an avid Facebook user is a Senior Production Manager at Barefoot Proximity, one of the most awarded advertising agencies across the globe. Her experience with writing, designing, SEO and brand and advertising strategy will give readers a point of view of what happens behind the scenes in the digital sphere.

© 2011, PodJamTV. All rights reserved.

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  • http://www.ann-tran.com AnnTran_

    Excellent tips! Thank you.

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Ann!! =))

  • http://www.modernlifeblogs.com Amit

    According to me Collaborative blog is right for me because in this type of blog everyone able to share their passion and creativity and this make our work much easier and faster because every author has their own topic to write. Btw i just recently launched my new photography blog http://modernlifepix.com

    Thnx so much for your awesome post and info. as always. You Rocks.

    Keep Spreading Love and Smiles. Keep Rocking!!

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Amit!! Love your new photography blog!! =))

  • http://twitter.com/LauraFitLife Laura McDonald

    Awesome…good info and I’ll keep for referral!

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Laura. =)

  • http://www.robertbcairns.com/ Rob Cairns

    A great article Misty and Marty:) The key is not to pigeon yourself into one type of blog.With domains being cheap and hosting not being expensive you can very easily keep two blogs at a low cost.

    One blog type worth mentioning as a separate blog type is a business blog. The reason I highlight this type is a business blog is not the place to keep your travel photos or your pictures of your kids. However it is a good place to show you are in an expert if a particular field.

    Also remember blogs evolve. What starts out as being one type of blog does not mean your direction will not change down the road.

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Rob. Good point about inexpensive domain registration and hosting as not being a barrier to blogging. Everyone has a voice now. :-) Business blogs is a good addition to the list. I’m assuming you mean covering business news and topics?

      • http://www.robertbcairns.com/ Rob Cairns

        That is correct Marty and covering business and news topics is a great idea. One that is underrated actually.