Our 7 Ways To A Happier YOU

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Our 7 Ways To A Happier YOU

Happiness is a choice.  We are both great believers of this truth, and our experiences in the past have taught us that life is just too short to be unhappy.  You might say that we are nuts to think that life is perfect but we both know that it’s not. Life will always have its ups and downs. Nothing is perfect but the way we deal with what is thrown at us is what matters.  You can choose to be defeated or choose to look at the silver lining in whatever situation that befalls you.

If you see that we always have quotations on our Facebook walls, it’s because we always draw inspiration from them. We like to share them with our friends and families so that they can uplift and put a smile on someone’s face and hope in their hearts.  We are sharing here the quotations that we love and we hope it brings inspiration to you too, our wonderful readers.

Here are 7 ways, we feel, that can lead you to live a happier life:

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New York City Through Our Travel Lens

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New York City Through Our Travel Lens

One of the things that brought us together is our love to travel and explore. Another love that we share is photography.  One is a student (Misty) and the other a professional photographer (Marty). We said we would  make it a point to book trips either to attend conferences or just to get away and have an adventure. Traveling is something we recommend.  It will allow you to not only relax, but also have the chance to learn other cultures, taste the food, see the sights and make memories. That to us is priceless.

We visited New York City recently and we had so much fun. Taking the subway made it easy for us to get around.  The Empire State Building, the flagship Apple Store on 5th Avenue, the Plaza Hotel, Central Park, Times Square are among the places we were able to see.  Sitting at Herald Square was great and eating ice cream while you walk through Times Square at 12 midnight with so many people still around was refreshing.

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The 25 Things We Learned To Get The Most Out of Life

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The 25 Things We Learned To Get The Most Out of Life

Life is short and with the fast paced life that we lead, we often forget the little things that make life worth living.  We get caught up with everyday problems and we forget to enjoy life and take for granted the things that we have.

Aside from our interest in everything geek, we also get along pretty well because of the beliefs and principles that we both live by. What makes our partnership special is the way we both are able to encourage and inspire each other. We hope that the 25 things we have listed here will allow you to remember the lessons that can help you get the most out of life.

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We’re Celebrating! Win an iPod Shuffle or iPhone 4 Proof Duo Case

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We’re Celebrating! Win an iPod Shuffle or iPhone 4 Proof Duo Case

UPDATE: PodJam.tv congratulates winners Jordan Stark and Marta Pribanić. Jordan is the winner of an iPod Shuffle and Marta wins a ProofDUO iPhone 4 case! Congratulations to our winners!!

It’s Misty’s birthday this month and PodJam.TV will be two months old too and as a way of celebrating we want to give away an iPod Shuffle and an iPhone Proof DUO case from PROOFcases.  It is really simple to enter:

First, choose the prize you want and tell us why you should receive it by leaving a comment here on our blog or on our or by tweeting us on Twitter.  We will randomly choose the winning comment for each prize.

To be eligible please Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our blog where we will be announcing the winner of each of the prize.

The contest begins today, August 23 and ends September 7.  We will announce the winners on September 14.

Winners will be asked to send their details through .  Please allow two weeks shipping for the prizes.

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Guest Post: Moms Blog To Save Lives #Ask5for5

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Guest Post: Moms Blog To Save Lives #Ask5for5

We are happy to share with you, our wonderful readers, a guest post by Sarah Lenssen. Aside from our love for writing, we are very much into sharing stories that we hope will help change lives. We believe that helping can be achieved in different ways. You can help by giving your time by volunteering, or by giving a certain amount that you can afford to fund a cause or also by creating awareness by sharing stories on your blogs or by sharing on your favorite social networking sites. Every effort counts. We hope that you will give time to share her story and the cause.

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10 Simple Ways To Find Inspiration For Your Blog Posts

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10 Simple Ways To Find Inspiration For Your Blog Posts

Writing is fun, but let us face it, there are days when you just can’t seem to find the inspiration to write even the simplest blog post.  Writer’s block happens to everyone. The cause may vary too. You are pressed for time and with so much happening in your life, concentrating becomes difficult.  But no matter what the cause maybe, there are so many ways to overcome writer’s block.

It gets overwhelming sometimes as we both have full time jobs but that does not stop us.  Having fun is always at the top of our list and second to that is inspiring each other to be the best we can be.  The beauty of being in a partnership here at PodJamTV is that we get the chance to encourage each other and in our own personal way, inspire each other to sit down and write our posts and create video content.  We love to inspire others too, so we hope the things we practice can help you at times when you need inspiration for your blog posts.

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