The 7 Possible Reasons To Get Unfollowed on Twitter

Posted by on Sep 27, 2011 | 22 comments

The 7 Possible Reasons To Get Unfollowed on Twitter

Twitter is a wonderful microblogging platform that is so misunderstood in terms of how it is used.  Even after 5 years, a lot of people are still trying to learn how to maximize their experience.  Like Facebook, the Twitter experience keeps evolving and those who are new can get confused easily as to how things work.

One topic that is often discussed is the issue of following. Some people argue that the number of followers do not matter at all. We agree.  We feel that engagement and relationships are far more important but, the issue here is about getting unfollowed.  When we were both new on twitter, we were both bothered when someone unfollowed us.  We asked why? Did I say something wrong? Did I tweet too much? Through the years, we have uncovered some of the possible reasons why one gets unfollowed. Here are some of the reasons. Do you agree with them?

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9 Twitter Styles: Which One Is Yours

Posted by on Sep 20, 2011 | 16 comments

9 Twitter Styles: Which One Is Yours

Social media is huge.  Eight years ago no one had an idea that it would grow this fast.  People now communicate differently. If you watch brands on TV or see their ads on the newspapers or billboards you will notice that they now include the URLs of their social media pages so their customers can interact with them in real time.  We even add our own URLs on our email signatures and business cards.

Twitter is our favorite tool to communicate and network with old and new friends.  We get our news and express our opinions and our feelings 140 characters at a time. Would you believe that because of the popularity of Twitter, new words are now part of our vocabulary. Words like ReTweet, Twitinvite and twalk are commonplace.  You can check more words here. People tweet differently and a great way to see the style of a particular person on Twitter is through .  Klout analyzes not just the influence but also the style of one’s tweets.  Here is our take on it.

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Check Out The Sites We “Like” For Sharing Music Online

Posted by on Sep 15, 2011 | 2 comments

Check Out The Sites We “Like” For Sharing Music Online

Music is a universal language. Sometimes even if people don’t agree much on views or opinions, it’s often music that brings people together. Aside from being Apple geeks, it’s our love for music that has brought us closer together.  We express our feelings and comfort each other through music we share to each other on Facebook and Twitter.  We’re thrilled when we see our friends chime in and join in the conversation by liking and commenting on the music we post on our walls or retweet with comments on Twitter.

What makes music sharing fun is that most apps allow one to share a particular song with a click of a button with friends and family.  One objective we have established here at is to test out apps and share them with our readers.

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Top 7 Twitter Myths That Can Hamper Your Tweeting Experience

Posted by on Sep 13, 2011 | 18 comments

Top 7 Twitter Myths That Can Hamper Your Tweeting Experience

If you are a geek and enjoy interacting with people online, it is good to be active on several platforms especially if you are a blogger like us.  It really helps one to reach out to a larger audience.  Among the social networking sites we are active on, Twitter is our favorite. We could have shared with you a list of reasons why we love to tweet but we can do that in another post, but the main reasons are: it’s fast, you have 140 characters to get a message out and it’s a good platform to start a conversation and get replies real time 24/7.

There are people we know that have started using Twitter but have dropped off after awhile because their experience was not as rich and fulfilling as those who have tapped into the power of the social networking site.  There have been several articles written on the topic over the years. In 2009 it was estimated that 60% of those who joined twitter quit after one month.  (source).  For those of you who have joined just recently fear not, here are seven myths that we will debunk to show you that Twitter is fun and a great site to learn and interact with people from all walks of life.

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Mobile Apps for Tweeting: Suggestions Given By Our Twitter Friends

Posted by on Sep 8, 2011 | 19 comments

Mobile Apps for Tweeting: Suggestions Given By Our Twitter Friends

As more and more people are inclined to buy smart phones, more and more people are now checking their emails, taking photos, checking in via Foursquare and sharing updates and status using their mobile phones.  We are both active on Twitter and when we are not in front of our computers we will usually update our Twitter accounts via our favorite apps on our iPhones.

In one of our daily conversations, we wondered what our friends on Twitter use. We have the habit of finding out recommendations from friends and then trying them out to see which make our Twitter experience better.   So last week we asked on Twitter:  Which mobile app do you use to share updates on #Twitter and why?  And here are the responses we have gathered.

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