How Many People Should You Follow on Twitter

Posted by on Jul 19, 2011 | 11 comments

How Many People Should You Follow on Twitter
  • Buffer

In our first video article How Do You Decide Who to Follow on Twitterwe featured responses from the Twitter community and had some very good and interesting answers.  To summarize the post we found out from your answers that to majority of respondents, Twitter is all about the people you interact with and its the information and conversation that makes the experience worthwhile.

The next big question we have encountered in the many conversations we have on Twitter is how many people should one really follow?  This has been an issue since Twitter has become so popular.  Should one follow back everyone? Should we follow more or only follow only a manageable amount?  We felt the best way to get the answers is to ask it again to the users both new and experienced and here are the responses we received.


We would like to thank the following people for taking time to participate in the conversation                         

Music Credit: Gladias by Haute Culture


About the authors:

Marty McPadden founder  and host of PodJamTv is a professional photographer, videographer, blogger, apple geek and a Production Supervisor at ESPN one of the largest sports network in the world.  His vast knowledge in the above mentioned field will allow you our readers to tap into tools, apps, reviews and tips that he has learned and mastered over the years.  How to’s and hacks that will allow you to have a richer online experience.

Misty Belardo co host and co writer of PodJamTv is an experienced blogger, designer and a self proclaimed Twitter-holic and an avid Facebook user is a Senior Production Manager at Barefoot Proximity, one of the most awarded advertising agencies across the globe.   Her experience with writing, designing, SEO and brand and advertising strategy will give readers a point of view of what happens behind the scenes in the digital sphere.


© 2011, PodJamTV. All rights reserved.

  • Sunil Jain

    Once again a compelling content with Video :D
    Thanks for including me in the Video :)
    Happy Tweeting & Blogging to you both ♥

    • Misty Belardo

      Thank you so much Sunil for your participation. We value your thoughts and we are inspired by your support for the both of us. You Keep Rockin! =)

  • Marty McPadden

    Thank you Sunil for participating! We are so happy with all he great comments and feedback we’ve been receiving. We have lots more video and multi-media content planned for the coming weeks and months including some “on-location” segments.

  • Amit

    Yoohooo!! So nice to be included in this awesome video. Keep it dear friends. You Rock the world with your kindness & spreading love all over the world. Keep sharing awesome post & keep rocking! Have a great day. Enjoy & Keep Smiling :-)


    • Misty Belardo

      We are really grateful for your participation Amit! That is our purpose, for people to have a venue to share their thoughts, and answers to questions related to social media, tech and soon photography. We are very inspired and psyched for the upcoming posts.

  • Marty McPadden

    Thank you so much Amit for being part of our video. Your participation and support means a lot to us. We are thrilled with the response our videos have received and we’re planning many more including more “on-location” segments.

  • Tinu Cherian

    Thanks for including me in the Video too.. Have a great day & Marty McPadden ..

    • Marty McPadden

      You’re very welcome Tinu and thank you!!!

  • Pingback: 5 Examples Of Innovative Ways To Use Twitter « Twitter Tips And Updates From Buffer

  • خالد

    for me I think I shouldn’t follow more than 100 because it will be hard to read all their tweets

    • Marty McPadden

      Very true although using a client or lists can help curate your tweets and make it easier to view content relevant to you. Thank you for taking the tim to comment. We really appreciate it!!

  • خالد

    for me I think I shouldn’t follow more than 100 because it will be hard to read all their tweets