Our 35 Reasons To Love Twitter

Posted by on Oct 25, 2011 | 21 comments

Our 35 Reasons To Love Twitter
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Social media is part of our everyday life and we enjoy the conversation and the friendships that we develop everyday. You can find us blogging or sharing songs, pictures and links on Facebook and Google plus but you will find us sharing more on Twitter.

Even though the site has been in existence for over 5 years now, there are a lot of people who still don’t understand us who are addicted to the microblogging platform. There was a comment we encountered recently on a post about Twitter. Someone questioned why we write about the site a lot.  Our primary reason for doing it is that we get inspired knowing that we help and guide those who are new to the experience.

One afternoon we sat down and listed out the reasons to love Twitter and here is our personal list:

1. Tweeting is fun
2. Twitter is a great source of breaking news
3. Twitter is simple to use. Share anything you like 140 characters at a time.
4. Twitter will allow you to build friendships and network
5. Jobs are posted on Twitter – great source of job openings
6. You can learn to cook and discover recipes with friends
7. You can find inspiration from quotes shared by friends everyday
8. You can share music with friends and family easily
9. You can share pics and get real time feedback
10. Easily get travel advice and tips
11. You can voice your opinion on issues in real time
12. You meet people from all walks of life
13. Learn a new skill
14. Be inspired by people who share the same interest as yours
15. Discover tools and apps for productivity
16. Learn the culture of people beyond your borders
17. Get inside information on new technology and geek news fast
18. Get hugs – virtual that is, round the clock from friends

Marty McPadden on Twitter

19. Get business, marketing, blogging tips 24/7
20. Find the latest fashion trends, bargains and sales directly from brands
21. Meet celebrities, writers, designers, artists and bloggers
22. Share jokes and funny pics
23. Learn photography tips from experts
24. Learn about events and happening in your area
25. Learn and help charities that need your attention
26. You can have a conversations with people all around the world 24/7
27. Get first hand reviews of movies and TV shows from friends and people you trust
28. Easily learn fitness and wellness tips and recommendations
29. Build traffic for your blog posts
30. LOL with your online friends
32. Share what’s happening with you – what your eating, drinking, TV show or movie you are watching.
33. Tell friends and family about your adventure and places you visit via foursquare
34. Find trending topics from all over the Internet
35. Find recommendations for products before you buy them from brands themselves or from friends you trust.
36. This is a bonus reason true for us and maybe for others too – find the love of your life.  Thanks to the social media platform, we met and connected.

There you go, 35 reasons why we love tweeting.  Do you love twitter? Do let us know your reason, we would love to hear from you.

Image Credits: Marty McPadden

About the authors:

Marty McPadden founder and host of PodJamTv is a professional photographer, videographer, blogger, apple geek and a Production Supervisor at ESPN one of the largest sports network in the world. His vast knowledge in the above mentioned field will allow you our readers to tap into tools, apps, reviews and tips that he has learned and mastered over the years. How to’s and hacks that will allow you to have a richer online experience.

Misty Belardo co host and co writer of PodJamTv is an experienced blogger, designer and a self proclaimed Twitter-holic and an avid Facebook user is a Senior Production Manager at Barefoot Proximity, one of the most awarded advertising agencies across the globe. Her experience with writing, designing, SEO and brand and advertising strategy will give readers a point of view of what happens behind the scenes in the digital sphere.

© 2011, PodJamTV. All rights reserved.

  • Vincent Gearhart

    I really like #36 – So happy for you both!

    • http://twitter.com/mistygirlph Misty Belardo

      Thank you so much Vincent !!! =D

  • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

    Thank you Vincent. I really like #26 too!! =))

  • AnnTran_

    Love this, Fantastic!

    • http://twitter.com/mistygirlph Misty Belardo

      Thank you so much Ann =))

  • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

    Thank you Ann!!! =))

  • http://www.specialdollsonline.com Jeanine

    One of my favorites is #26.

    • http://twitter.com/mistygirlph Misty Belardo

      Thank you Jeanine.. I guess that makes Twitter so unique, you will always have people on the site 24/7.

  • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

    Thank you Jeanine!! #26 is my favorite too! :-)

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  • http://www.lightfischer.de/ Andreas Fischer

    Interesting List.But….

    You follow more than 2000 people on twitter. I have some questions, hopefully you answere:
    How many tweets of thosae 2000 people do you realy read
    How much time does it cost every day?
    Do u answere questions on twitter?

    I by myself are new to twitter and not sure, is it just a tool people use to get others onto their website or is it real interest?

    its one thing making others belive twitter is a great thing to do but its another thing beliving this yourself ;-)
    i just figured out, if someone (never mind who) ask questions, there are rarley answeres, if you answere there is rareley feedback

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Andreas for your comment and questions. I read all replies and DMs. I don’t read every tweet however. That would be impossible. I think of Twitter as a river of information. I dip in and out throughout the day. For me, it’s like taking the pulse of the World. A lot of news breaks first on Twitter in real time. Many times Twitter beats the traditional media by several minutes.

      I have been fortunate to meet and become friends with many wonderful people as a direct result of being active on Twitter. This has led to wonderful in-person meetings too. These friendships would never have happened without the global reach of Twitter. Most important, I never would have met my girlfriend if it wasn’t for Twitter.

      I hope that answers your questions. Thank you again for reaching out. :-)

  • http://www.robertbcairns.com/ Rob Cairns

    Hi Andreas,

    Great question that you raise. I have over 14,000 followers and how I manage what I am doing on Twitter is Twitter lists. I scan a lot of tweets and I have people who I talk to every day. All mentions and legitimate Dms I reply too. I spend a lot of time scanning certain search topics of interest and reaching out to people. I actually get a lot of Engagement out of Twitter and Engage is the start of my business model. I hope this helps.

  • http://twitter.com/whizkid7 Chuck Bluestein

    Twitter is my favorite social media. I spend less than 5 minutes a day on Facebook. I use different Twitter lists. I like to tweet the latest on health news. Also I like to tweet interesting stories like this one here. Also I like to re-tweet others so actually this will be a re-tweet about this article.

    Two recent great articles was one by an MD (Mark Hyman) that said food is better for healing than medicine titled► Eat Your Medicine: Food as Pharmacology.◄ Another recent article by Joel Fuhrman M.D. told about different foods healing different diseases called► GOMBBS: Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Beans and Seeds. ◄ It explains how greens help to clear plaque out of your arteries.

  • http://twitter.com/MidlifeMona Brenda Clevenger

    I’m a Twitter newbie. Just started in past 6 months. I didn’t get and now the lightbulb has come on. It’s so cool connecting with people across the globe and getting quotes from really smart people fairly instantly for my stories and blogs. So much generosity and sharing. Love it.

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Brenda and welcome to Twitter!! =))

  • http://www.adventuresallaround.com Amanda Woods

    As a fellow Twitter addict, I must say I really liked this one. And for those folks reading this who may be new to twitter, I have another little tip for you… get to know Lists. I started to get frustrated that I couldn’t see what my favourite people were saying after I started following a certain number. But when I figured out what that lists button was for, it changed all that.

    Now at a flick of a button I can see just what my friends are saying, just what different people in certain industries are saying, what’s making news, and so on. Makes it all the easier to navigate.

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Amanda and great suggestions regarding lists! I use them all the time. Very handy.