7 Tips For Setting Up a Twitter Account For Your Business or Brand

Posted by on Aug 11, 2011 | 9 comments

7 Tips For Setting Up a Twitter Account For Your Business or Brand
  • Buffer

There are so many people getting their news, information and recommendations via social media that if you own a brand or business it would be in your best interest to be present and get your message out.  We know that majority of the brands and business employ agencies or community managers to handle their social media efforts/campaigns.  But what if you want to start it on your own? They say that there are secrets you need to unlock but in our opinion and experience creating an account and maintaining it is simple.  One really just needs to plan ahead and we put together a checklist here that we hope will help.

We have been wanting to  start a series of social media posts to be a guide list for managing social media accounts. And to start we have put together a video that talks about some pointers for setting up your Twitter account for business or brand and how you can manage it efficiently.


1. Set an objective

2. Set up a Proper Twitter account

3. Make a content plan 

4. Don’t bore people with your content

5. Manage your Twitter account well

6. Build Relationship with Your Customers

7.  Measure and adjust your strategy 

Hope these tips here are helpful.  If you have any questions or anything to add on our list, leave us a comment here we would love to hear from you.  This has been another PodJamTV episode, see you again next time.


About the authors:

Marty McPadden founder and host of PodJamTv is a professional photographer, videographer, blogger, apple geek and a Production Supervisor at ESPN one of the largest sports network in the world. His vast knowledge in the above mentioned field will allow you our readers to tap into tools, apps, reviews and tips that he has learned and mastered over the years. How to’s and hacks that will allow you to have a richer online experience.

Misty Belardo co host and co writer of PodJamTv is an experienced blogger, designer and a self proclaimed Twitter-holic and an avid Facebook user is a Senior Production Manager at Barefoot Proximity, one of the most awarded advertising agencies across the globe. Her experience with writing, designing, SEO and brand and advertising strategy will give readers a point of view of what happens behind the scenes in the digital sphere.

© 2011, PodJamTV. All rights reserved.

  • http://stanfaryna.wordpress.com Stan Faryna

    I couldn’t have made a better intro than you have done here. An outstanding outline of priorities!

    • http://twitter.com/mistygirlph Misty Belardo

      Thank you Stan! I saw your Twitter Page and you are doing a great job. Keep it up. We truly appreciate your feed back.

  • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

    Thank you Stan. We really appreciate it!

  • http://twitter.com/mrsmwiti Christine Mwiti

    Nice tips

    • http://twitter.com/mistygirlph Misty Belardo

      Thank you Christine, we appreciate you visiting us here at PodJamTv =)

  • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

    Thank you Christine!

  • http://www.robertbcairns.com/ Rob Cairns

    Great points ! More people show follow these tips:)

    • https://podjam.tv Marty McPadden

      Thank you Rob!! I couldn’t agree more my friend. :-)